The Use of General Anesthesia: It is a necessity for many major surgeries. It creates a state of complete unconsciousness in the anesthetized individual and is administered either through a face mask, Laryngeal mask airway (LMA), endotracheal tube, or an intravenous (IV) line.

Being Under Anesthesia

Patients who undergo general anesthesia are commonly said to “go under” into a dreamless sleep where there is total amnesia (lack of any memory of the surgery) and a state of anesthesia (complete loss of the sensation of pain). The body is incapable of any sensation or of producing voluntary movement.

Review of Medical History

Before the surgery our staff will conduct a thorough review of your medical history and your current list of medications taken to ensure that there is no interference with the anesthetics.

What to Expect

In addition to outpatient surgery, general anesthesia is available for inpatient surgeries of all kinds (except cardiac surgery). Some may experience nausea, but our team will be present every step of the way to provide anti-nausea medication as well as compassionate guidance to manage any pain so that you can recuperate comfortably.

After the Surgery

Patients who are recovering from their surgery still feeling the after-effects of general anesthesia will not be allowed to operate a vehicle, and will need a mode of transport to return home safely